Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How are the roles and responsibilities of past policing eras different from today? How effective would policing methods of the past be today? Would our society accept these past methods? Explain your answer.

I believe that the modern era of policing is working better than the political era and the reform era. Political era was about serving the politicians and doing favors for them more than protectin the citizens.In addition,in the 17th century,the sheriff not only was in charge of crime, but also to collect taxes, legal process, and supervise elections. The reform era was better, but the lack of communication between police and community made it fail. Our era is better than the two first ones, because there is actually involvement with the community, making it easier for police officers to understand people and why they commit crimes, along with new technology that helps solve crimes and capture criminals faster and easier. Although police has been performing a better job through the years, i still think there is always room for improvement, and corruption will always be there.I do not think policing methods of the past would work today as our society has changed greatly throughout time Population has grown, and with that new kind of job positions within the law enforcement.

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