Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Risk Assesement: Acturial or Clinical?

Pros actuarial: is a structured risk assessment to predict probable violent behavior and other risk behaviors. Forensic evaluator communicates with the tester himself and what factors were based on, and the empirical data supporting them. Any employee can use a risk assessment tool because it is structured and already scored based on the responses.  Some risk assessments such as the Hare Psychopathy Checklist, have been used for years to predict psychopathy. According to Hanson, R. K., (2005), “ Robert Hare’s dogged efforts to establish psychopathy as a reliable and valid clinical construct produced the first big success in violence risk prediction” (p. 213).
Cons: Violent risk predictors are not always exact. According to Hanson, R. K., (2005), “ The available research suggests that potentially changeable factors ( e.g., attitudes, lifestyle instability) contribute information to risk potential that is not captured by purely static, historical factors” (p. 214).
Pros clinical: clinical assessments are the base for actuarial assessment. The forensic evaluator is interested in the possibility of violent behavior within the next few days and weeks.  The clinical interview conducted by a professional is very detailed assessment which consists in gathering information about the patient’s past, family history, and lifestyle.  For instance, children with parents suffering from major depression are most likely to exhibit depression at some point.  This information about the patient could prevent further undesirable behavior.  According to  (n.d)“The role of the clinician is crucial for certain types of tasks that cannot be conducted adequately by purely empirical methods, including the generation of hypotheses and the use of theory in formulating questions” (p. 122).
Cons: Unfortunately, extended research has proven clinical assessment cannot predict violent behavior. This could be to the fact that the forensic evaluator can diagnose the patient,  at his or her own discretion. In addition, clinical assessments measure psychological  issues such as depression,  and personality disorders.  
Conclusion:  I believe both risk assessments complement each other. It is necessary to  obtain information from clinical assessment to come up with statistical research. According to E. Drogin, F. Dattilio, R. Sadoff, T. Gutheil ( 2011), “As in the assessment of suicide risk, the evaluator focuses on the clinical aspects of the evaluation-namely, psychopathology- but also must take it into consideration demographic, historical, and environmental factors that may be related to an increased risk for violence or suicide” (p. 336). (n.d). The concept of Psychological Assessment. Retrieved from

Translation of Legal Psychological Questions

What is the status of
the children’s current psychological functioning?

Jesse is a 16-year-old Hispanic boy, who has been accused of aggravated sexual  assault against an 11-year-old girl. The important question is why and how a 16-year-old could feel the need to force a girl to inappropriate acts. According  to US.LEGAL.COM, aggravated sexual assault, “It is typically defined as a sexual assault that maims, wounds, or disfigures the victim, or involves a victim who is physically or mentally incapacitated” (p.1). Not only he forced the girl to sexual act ,but he hurt her in some psychical and emotional way as well. Could be he is depressed, presents antisocial or psychopath personality traits, or he has been sexually abused himself. In fact, the case explains alleged abuse from a neighbor but charges were never brought against that person.  According to the case scenario, “Counselors at Jesse’s school raised questions about a possible mood disorder or depression”.

What is the functional ability of each parent to meet the specific needs of the children?

Jesse is a 16-year-old Hispanic boy, who has been accused of aggravated assault against an 11-year-old girl. His household consists of his mother, older sister, and younger brother. The apartment complex is a low-income housing  and his mom seems to work full time. His father is in prison for drug-related charges and has only seen him once.  A concerned I had while reading the  case scenario, is the lack of interest Jesse’s mom showed, when he told her a neighbor sexually abused him. The father is not present in Jesse’s life and would not be a good influence one he gets out of prison.  According to the Legal and psychological processes in assessment (2012),  the APA’s  “Guidelines for Child Custody Evaluations in Family Law Proceedings”, recommend evaluating parental fitness, the psychological and developmental needs of the children, and the fit between the parent’s competencies and the needs of the child” (p.1).